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String Theory (Volume III)
embroidery on canvas
14x18x6" , 2012-13.

String Theory (Volume III) Interior Detail
String Theory (Volume III) Interior Detail

String Theory (Volume III) Interior Detail
String Theory (Volume II)
embroidery on canvas
14x18x6", 2012-13.
String Theory (Volume II) Interior Detail
String Theory (Volume II) Interior Detail
String Theory (Volume II) Interior Detail
String Theory (Volume II) Interior Detail
Installation View of Bored Cloud, Double Dance, and Rooms by the Sea boxes.
Bored Cloud, close up/peep hole detail
laser cut box with laser cut model, electric lights, cotton,
12x12x12", 2016.
Double Dance, close up/peep hole detail
laser cut box with laser cut model, electric lights,
12x12x12", 2016.

Rooms by the Sea,
video on portable TV, turntable, laser cut model in laser cut box,
12x12x12", 2016.

Rooms by the Sea detail view,
video on portable TV, turntable, laser cut model in laser cut box,
12"x12"x12", 2016.