Week #2




Secret object drawing: Start drawing exercise. Talk about different ways to make lines and different ways that lines can influence your composition.


Homework: Draw, using contour lines, a series of views of one object.  Pick an object that has some interesting aspects to it.  Don’t for instance just draw a glass of water because that's too difficult to make interesting.  Fill one full page in your sketch-pad.  Pick different angles and sides to represent.  You may even deconstruct your object either visually or if it is something that comes apart, for instance a flashlight, you may actually draw individual portions of it.  This assignment will be assessed as part of your sketchbook evaluation which counts as a major component of your class participation grade.




Introduction to vocabulary of form.

Slide discussion detailing The Elements of Art and The Principles of Organization. These are the foundations of our class so reviewing these concepts would help with your understanding. Work with contour drawing of our objects.



Homework: Go back to your set of contour drawings of an object. These should be drawn from a variety of perspectives, a variety of angles and in a variety of sizes. It would be advisable to have at least ten separate images (some alike, some different). Reference these drawings and then cut contour shapes out of black construction paper. Work with these newly abstracted shapes to come up with an effective composition using an entire page out of your sketchbook.

Reference the work we did in class with specific attention to The Elements of Art and The Principles of Design. Stand back from your finished work. Can you see things that need more work when the piece is viewed from a distance? Glue the final composition together on a large piece of either sketch or drawing paper.

This assignment will be assessed as part of your sketchbook evaluation which counts as a major component of your class participation grade. For a more detailed handout on the course assigment, click here.




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