Mark Monroe                                                                        Caroline Ross Building Rm 131
A.C. Box 61642                                                                      A.C. # 813-2465

Link to Course Syllabus-    artemis.austincollege.ed#89C201

ATTENDANCE:  The nature of this course requires strict attendance.  Students are responsible for all lectures, assignments and class discussions.  I will not give reruns or synopses of prior classes.  More than three unexcused absences will have a negative impact on your final grade.   More than seven unexcused absences will result in failure of the course.  Art Fundamentals meets from 9:00-10:50 on T-Th. you are expected to attend for the entire class period.  Attendance is mandatory. After three unexcused absences the student’s grade for class participation will be lowered one full letter.  Tardiness and other incidences of disregard for the class will lower your participation grade.  For each class that you miss, no matter if it is excused or not, you should write a brief synopsis of the readings or scheduled activities for that day.  This is the only way to prove to me that you really are engaged and involved with the class.  All students are required to have their materials with them every day and be prepared for class.  Your course schedule will reflect what materials will be needed weekly.  Each student is expected to be productive and fully participate during each class.
 My attendance policy is not similar to office sick days.  You should be at class every day of the semester, you do not earn certain free days.  Any class you miss you are responsible for all materials covered and for all in class projects and discussions.
Texting policy- My texting policy is the same as the gum policy in elementary school.  If you text in class you must provide a text for everyone in the classroom.  It is not polite to not include everyone. 
 HOMEWORK/STUDIO:  The emphasis of this class will be on the development of a working knowledge of a wide variety of techniques and media.  In order to adequately grasp the basics of all the projects covered, you should plan to work 3-6 hours per week outside of class time.  The Art Studios open hours will be posted.  Shelves or cabinets will be made available for storage.  No project or refuse from projects should be left out overnight or over the weekend.  Projects are to be completed by the date assigned, no unfinished projects will be critiqued and no late work will be accepted. If you are unable to attend class on the day of a critique be sure that your finished project is present and identifiable as yours. Incomplete projects will be evaluated accordingly. A request for an extension must be typed or e-mailed so that there is a record of your problem.  This document should include student’s name, a summary of the work already completed and an explanation of why the extension is needed.

TEXT: Readings on reserve in the library as outlined in weekly course schedule.

GRADES:       70% of your final grade will be based on the completion of studio projects.  Evaluative criteria include grasp of formal design elements, creative and intellectual exploration of assignments, quality of execution and appropriateness for assignment.  A written report and visual presentation will be required. 
25% of your final grade will be based on class participation, including critiques, attendance and level of day-to-day enthusiasm and participation.  Critiques will be conducted as a class and not on an individual basis.  Your understanding of basic concepts will be evaluated in part via your participation in critiques of others' work.  A cumulative final will be given at the end of the semester that will serve as a diagnostic for this category
5%. of your final grade will be based on your attendance of a visual art related events during the semester and a short written evaluation or report of the event.

COURSE DESCRIPTION:  This course is designed as an introduction to Studio Arts.  A variety of media, methods and approaches will be covered, some of which will be less familiar than others.  Aesthetics, fundamental design problems, art appreciation, creative theory and technical issues will be covered in such a way as to promote a greater awareness of art and the production of art.  Projects will be introduced with some historical context in the form of slide lectures.   Throughout the semester library projects will be required, and evidence of art historical exploration will be expected.  As the class progresses, you should bear in mind the words of Dr. Oliver Sacks: "Walking, at its most elementary level, is a spinal reflex, but is elaborated at higher and higher levels until, finally, we can recognize a man by the way he walks, by his walk."  You should approach Art Fundamentals in much the same way as learning to walk.  I can introduce you to the tools and conventions; however, you must elaborate upon these in such a way as to create your own unique art.


ACADEMIC INTEGRITY: Austin College places a special emphasis on the ability of our students to complete college level academic work equal to any major university or college in the world.  Implicit in this assumption of quality is the understanding that our students will adhere strictly to the spirit of the college’s academic integrity policy articulated on pages 27-28 of the Austin College Student Handbook, The Environment.  Cheating or plagiarism is not acceptable in any form at Austin College.  The foundation for enforcement of this policy is trust; any student caught in violation of that trust will dealt with severely through appropriate channels.

Code of Conduct
Students are expected to follow the Austin College Code of Conduct in this class and
during office meeting times. See the Austin College “Non-Academic Student Code of Conduct” in the Environment. Students who engage in disruptive behavior—behavior that prevents others from learning or that diminishes my ability to deliver course material —will be asked to leave the class and may be dropped from the course. Similarly, students who display disruptive behavior outside of class (i.e., during office hours, electronically, or via campus mail) may be dropped from the class. Students who engage in disruptive behavior may be referred to the Vice President of Academic Affairs or the Vice President of Students Affairs.

Disability Accommodations: Austin College seeks to provide reasonable accommodations for all individuals with disabilities and will comply with all applicable federal, state, and local laws, regulations and guidelines. It is the responsibility of the student to register with and provide verification of academic accommodation needs to the Director of the Academic Skills Center as soon as possible. The student also must contact the faculty member in a timely manner to arrange for reasonable academic accommodations. For further information regarding disability services or to register for assistance, please contact the office at 903-813-2454 or visit The Center for Student Success and Access Services (CSSAS) .


The College's Standards for Academic Integrity are assumed to apply to your work for this course.


Class Structure:  The main classroom will be open during building hours, which are: Monday thru Friday (7am -5pm), Saturday (7am - 6pm), and Sunday (12pm- 6pm).  Students may use this room provided another class is not in session.  After hours admission may be allowed through the card reader on the west door.

Drawing supplies and sketchbook materials, are furnished through your art fees.  Some additional expenses should be expected for unique or elaborate project materials.

Materials you will be supplied with. 

Drawing pad 18”x24” (good paper)
Pencils of various hardness
Kneaded Eraser
Minimum two paint brushes 1 flat (long bristles) 1 bright (short blunt hairs)

Materials you might want to get if you intend to continue in art.

Tackle box/art box               X-Acto blade set
Metal edged ruler                Portfolio case
Scissors                                 Compass
Good brush set                     Box of colored pastels.
Palette board, or paper peel-off palette.


A 9”x 12”sketchbook is provided.  The sketchbook should be used as a record of your growth as an artist.  This record will help you keep track of the development of your creative life.  
a.Lists, notes, quotes, and sketches gathered throughout the creative thinking process.
b. Collages and reproductions of artwork.
c. Technical notes from demonstrations, slide presentations, and readings.

Lab Fees:

Many additional materials are furnished by the department with funds from your art lab fees.  These materials include but are not limited to: Pastels, paints, cement, glue, tape, conte, charcoal, ink, rulers, newsprint for sketching, spay fixative, film, darkroom chemicals, posterboard, matt board, scissors, construction paper, plywood, tools, bits, saws, and blades. 



Reading Assignments- All readings are due the date they are assigned.

(1) Reading assignment, Art Fundamentals, Introduction- The Ingredients of Art, pages 4-29. 

(2) Reading assignment, Art Fundamentals, Chapter 2, Form, The Elements of Art- (Line, Shape, Value, Texture, Color) The Principles of Organization(Harmony, Variety, Balance) pages 30-73

(3) Reading assignment, Art Fundamentals, Chapter three, Line pages 74- 91 Reading assignment:  On reserve-The Natural Way to Draw pages 14-22 (gesture)

 (4) Reading assignment, Art Fundamentals, Chapter four, Shape and geometric space pages 94-111. On reserve-Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain pgs. 82-95
Natural Way to Draw pgs. 23-31 (impulse and gesture)

(5) Reading assignment, Art Fundamentals, Chapter five, Value pages  118-131.  Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain pgs. 98-113 (positive and negative space).

(6) Reading assignment, Art Fundamentals, Chp. six, Texture pgs. 132-145

(7) Reading assignment, Art Fundamentals, Chapter seven, Color pages 148-177.  Use of color, balance/harmony/variety.

(8) Readings on selected artists and artistic styles.
(9) Reading assignment, Art Fundamentals, Chapter ten, Content and Style -pages 250-330 .

(10) Reading assignment, Art Fundamentals, Ch. 4-Space. pgs 180-219

(11) Art Fundamentals, Ch. 9, The Art of 3rd-Dimension, pgs. 220-245.

(12)  Art historical research due.

(13) Final project.

(14) Finals.







In your drawing notebook
6 contour drawings                               Arbitrary composition of forms
Gesture drawings                                   Contour drawings of object
Linear perspective drawings                 Outdoor receding planes
Outdoor close up                                  Still life drawing          
Container for soul drawing
Value sketch for perspective drawing.
Color still life/cubist still life.
Color mix with colors working together, min. 3

Projects turned in for evaluation and grade.
Bl/White composition project
Nonobjective painting w/response sheet.
Mask-transformation project
Gallery response sheet
Perspective drawing
Issue of your generation.
Oral report on 20th C. artist
Painting after your assigned artist
Final sculpture project, group performance grade.

In class projects with performance evaluation.

Attendance at three art related events/one in class
Color Wheel
Texture project
Perspective Photograph
Darkroom experience/print
Group drawing #1
Chalk drawing
In class discussion and walk through of gallery show.
Library article.
Container for your soul
Sculpture Maquette