To Contact Dr. Diggs:
Austin College Phone: (903) 813-2246
Office: 261 IDEA Center
Mailing Address: Department of Biology, Austin College, Sherman,
TX 75090
AC Suite 61564
Home page:
Office Hours: Via Zoom, by appointment
Environmental & Evolutionary Health Class Information Fall 2021
Class Meetings: Lecture/Discussion typically 11:00-12:20 a.m. MWF.
Text: The Hunter-Gatherer Within: Health & the Natural Human Diet The Hunter-Gatherer Within: Health & the Natural Human Diet (available in the College Bookstore or via Amazon), by Brock & Diggs, 2013 (the book is very inexpensive).
Additional Readings (available on reserve in Abell Library) from: Environmental Health: From Global to Local by Frumpkin, 2016.
Course Homepage:
Course Content: An introduction to concepts in environmental and evolutionary health.
Course Goals and Expected Student Outcomes: The goals of the course are: 1) for students to gain an understanding of the multiple implications of environmental and evolutionary factors for human health; 2) for students to be able to effectively communicate in writing and orally about these implications; and 3) to provide students with opportunities to discuss these implications in an articulate way. Expected student outcomes include reaching an appropriate level of knowledge about environmental and evolutionary health, developing expertise in researching, writing, and discussing about the field, and being able to present an articulate and easily understood oral presentation of their research findings.
Exams and Quizzes: Exam dates are given on the course schedule page. There are three exams with the first two worth 100 points each and the final worth 150 points. The final will be cumulative over all material of the course. Make-up exams without a late penalty will only be offered in the case of a documented emergency, illness, or death in the family. When you are ill please provide an official note from a medical professional (e.g., an email from the campus nurse). Notification of your absence should be given no later than the day of the exam to avoid a late penalty.
Grades: There are 425 primary points in the course (this number will be increased by points for in-class quizzes/short writing assignments---especially on the assigned readings---as well as by class attendance and participation). Of the primary 425 points, 350 will come from the three exams, and 75 will be determined by your research summary paper/presentation. All work must be completed to receive a passing grade (For those taking the course S/U, S=70 or higher). In addition, a number of quizzes and 1 page writing assignments, worth 10 points each, will be given. Finally, class attendance will also factor into the grade, accounting for as much as one letter grade (in other words, absences or lack of participation can reduce your grade).
Class attendance and behavior: Attendance at class is expected and as noted above will factor into your grade. Further, because visuals are an integral part of the lectures and because much of the material given in lecture will not be found in your textbook or readings, frequent absences will almost certainly result in poorer performance on tests. Texting, surfing the web, etc. is not allowed in class. Students may be dropped from the course for such behavior during class sessions.
Readings: In addition to your short textbook, a variety of readings will be assigned during the semester. Most reading material for the class will be in the form of articles. These will be available on-line (linked from the class schedule page) or on Moodle unless otherwise indicated or handed out in class. Readings are crucially important and many of the test questions will be based on the readings---your grade in the course will be greatly affected by your care with reading the assignments.
Research Paper: Research paper. Please see appropriate web page for details on this assignment.
Academic Integrity: Austin College sets high standards of integrity for both its students and its faculty. Many conceptual advances in science are a result of discussion of information and ideas; I encourage such exchange both in class and outside it. However, all work submitted on examinations and assignments shall be your own. Any ideas in your research summary that do not originate from you are to have their sources noted. Please refer to your student handbook for further explanation of Austin College’s policies regarding academic integrity.
The following sentence will be on your exams, etc.:
This work was prepared in accordance with the Austin College
academic integrity
policy. _____________Signature_____________ (Name typed or
Readings: In addition to your textbook, various readings will be assigned during the semester. These will be available on-line (linked from the class schedule page) or on Moodle unless otherwise indicated or handed out in class.
Students with Disabilities: Austin College seeks to provide reasonable accommodations for all individuals with disabilities and complies with all federal, state, and local laws, regulations, and guidelines. It is the responsibility of the student to register with and provide verification of academic accommodation needs to the Director of the Academic Skills Center (Laura Ramsey, Wright Campus Center, Room 211)) as soon as possible. The student also must contact the faculty member in a timely manner to arrange for reasonable academic accommodations. The need for accommodations and the process for arranging them may be altered by the COVID-19 changes we are experiencing and the safety protocols currently in place. Students with disabilities who may need some accommodation in order to fully participate in this class are urged to contact the Access Services program within the Academic Skills Center as soon as possible to explore what arrangements need to be made to assure access. For further information or to meet with Laura Ramsey, call (903-813-2454); you can also email her at College policy prohibits instructors from accomodating learning disabilities without first having received the proper written instructions from the Director of the Academic Skills Center.
COVID-19 Guidelines:
Given the unknowns with the Delta variant, the College's policies regarding Covid need to be flexible and may change over the semester.
Face Coverings: At least for the beginning of the semester, in accordance with Austin College policy, all students should arrive at any face-to-face class session already wearing a suitable (as determined by instructor) face covering in such a way that covers both nose and mouth. Your mask must remain on throughout the class session. All students are expected to wear a mask for the entirety of the class period. Failure to do so will be considered a disruption of orderly conduct. Any student not wearing a suitable face covering will need to leave. If a student continually fails to comply with College health and safety protocols, the instructor may drop the student from the class. Based on recently published research on a study conducted by Duke University, bandanas, fleece masks, neck gaiters, and masks with valves should not be worn in the classroom and academic spaces.
Policy Regarding Disruption of Class: The health and safety of the College community depends upon everyone following the College’s health and safety protocols at all times:
· Students and faculty must wear an appropriate face covering, in accordance with CDC guidelines, in classrooms and areas where other students, staff, or faculty may be present.
A student’s failure to observe these protocols will be considered a disruption of orderly conduct. In accordance with GM 15 Academic Affairs Policy—Course and Classroom Standards: Attendance Policies, Office Hours, Absences, and Learning Environment also found in The Environment student handbook, the instructor will issue a warning to the student. If the student continues to disrupt the class by failing to comply with College health and safety protocols, the instructor may drop the student from the class.
For further information about this course, please
Dr. George Diggs, Professor
Department of Biology
Austin College
900 N. Grand Ave.
Sherman, TX 75090
Fax: 903-813-3199 |
All text and images on this page copyright 2021, George M. Diggs, Jr.