Animal Behavior
Descriptive animal behavior: sampling techniques and time/activity
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There has been a dramatic shift in emphasis in studies of animal
behavior during the development of the science of ethology. In the
early stages (the 1930's through the 1960's), most work was primarily
descriptive, and there was relatively little attention to quantitative
data or statistical analysis (although there were some notable
exceptions). Beginning in the 1960's there was considerable (and in
some cases warranted) criticism of the descriptive approach, in that it
was (or at least could be) subjective and tainted by anthropomorphism
and teleology. This is not to say that “classical ethology” as a whole
is tainted, but only that the emphasis in ethology (and in all of field
biology) has shifted to better-controlled, more rigorous, and
quantitative studies. In recent years, there has been considerable
emphasis in studies of animal behavior on systematically conducted
field observations, or on controlled laboratory or field experiments,
that generate quantitative data that can be analyzed statistically.
However, much of the scientific study of animal behavior relies on
qualitative descriptions of causative factors, fixed action patterns,
feeding techniques, communicative behaviors (vocalizations, postures,
displays) and various types of social interactions (aggression,
courtship, allogrooming). These observations were (and still are)
generated by careful observation of wild animals under natural
conditions (as opposed to captive in cages). Without this basis of
knowledge about the fundamental aspects of behavioral biology in
nature, much of our understanding and explanations of causation and
function would be ungrounded. We must understand the environmental
selective pressures that shape behavior to fully understand its
functional significance. The purpose of this lab exercise is to give
you some experience with observational and sampling techniques used in
the study of behavior, to generate some qualitative descriptions of
specific behavior patterns, to practice recording quantitative data in
the field, and to develop a “time/activity budget” for a common local
Classical ethologists distinguish between states of behavior and
behavioral events. States of behavior may be thought of as general
categories of activity, for instance “foraging” versus “resting” or
“flying.” Events are often changes from one behavioral state to another
(“flying” changes to “perching” upon “landing”) or they may be specific
behaviors within the more general type described by the state (“step”
is an event within the state of “foraging”). Events often come in
bouts, which are sessions of repeated occurrences of the same event. We
may observe bouts of stepping or pecking while observing foraging Snowy
Egrets. Deciding which events are to be included in a particular record
of a “bout” is not always an easy task. As general rules, if the
intensity or level of motor activity changes noticeably (e.g. the
stepping ceases for a period noticeably longer than the typical period
between steps) or if the orientation of the subject under observation
changes noticeably (e.g. the subject turns from stepping in one
direction to another), animal behaviorists would recognize a shift from
one bout to another. Obviously these criteria are subjective, and
depend on considerable knowledge of the natural history of the study
animal in question.
There are a number of sampling techniques used in the study of animal
behavior. These range from very unstructured to very rigorously
structured, and each has value in specific situations. The type of
observational technique employed by the curious naturalist is called ad
libitum sampling. As the name implies, there are no constraints on the
duration of the observation period, how many individuals are observed,
or what data or observations are recorded. This type of sampling
results in a naturalist’s field notes, which are useful in that they
may contain observations of rare events, observations of common
properties or patterns of behavior or other phenotypic characteristics,
or observations of interactions between species that are ecologically
important. The naturalist’s observations may (and often do) direct more
rigorous observations using other sampling techniques. Niko Tinbergen
recognized the value of ad libitum sampling when he wrote that “an
extremely valuable store of factual knowledge is picked up by a young
naturalist in seemingly aimless wandering in the field.” Edward Wilson
(undoubtedly the greatest living naturalist and ethologist) also
recognized the importance of knowledge of basic natural history when he
wrote that “naturalists are the perfect people to study animal
behavior.” However, ad libitum sampling is so unstructured that it
cannot result in any kind of rigorous, quantitative analysis of
behavior, and it cannot be used to test hypotheses. This technique may
be used to generate qualitative descriptions of specific behavior
patterns, but other techniques are more useful for this.
Focal animal sampling involves observing a single individual of a
particular species, usually for a specified period of time. This
technique is often used to study specific behavior patterns. The
observer records all instances of the behavior under study within a
given time interval (for instance flowers visited per unit time by a
foraging halictid bee). This technique generates data on frequency of
behaviors that can be used to make comparisons between species (great
egrets vs. snowy egrets), or between groups of individuals within a
species (for instance males vs. females, alates vs. workers, adults vs.
juveniles, etc.). Another use of focal animal sampling is to generate
qualitative observations of various types that can be used to produce
an “ethogram.” An ethogram is a description and inventory (usually with
some information on relative frequency or sequence of expression) of
all (or at least most) of the behavior patterns exhibited by a species.
The production of an ethogram requires considerable effort and numerous
observation periods throughout the life cycle of the species in
What, you may ask, is the use of a detailed description of the behavior
patterns of a particular species, say a small songbird or a longhorned
beetle? Ethologists recognize two broad categories of behavioral
studies, the “species-oriented” and the “concept-oriented.” The latter
is in vogue among many behavioral biologists. The concept-oriented
study asks specific questions, usually about the functional
significance of behavior, which are (or at least should be) independent
of the taxon one studies. For instance, if one is interested in the
effect of the spatial distribution and abundance of resources on
territorial behavior or mate-acquisition strategies, the effect should
be similar whether one studies red-winged blackbirds, long-eared
sunfish, collared lizards, or Trachyderes mandibularis. In spite of the
value placed on concept-oriented studies, many ethologists (especially
those with a strong background in natural history) still consider
“species-oriented” studies worthwhile. For instance, studies (recent
studies to boot) of acorn woodpeckers have revealed much information of
considerable interest about the breeding and social biology of this
species, and have led to conclusions that were unexpected, broadly
applicable, and surprised even the “concept-oriented” behavioral
Another sampling technique that is important in some specialties within
behavioral biology is sequence sampling. The focus here is on a chain
or sequence of specific behavior patterns that are generally exhibited
in a particular sequence. This technique is similar to focal animal
sampling, in that a specific individual is observed (or in some cases a
pair of individuals, as in a courtship sequence). However, in sequence
sampling, the observation period does not have an arbitrary beginning
and end, but rather begins when the observer thinks the behavioral
sequence begins, and ends when the observer thinks the sequence ends.
Obviously there is the potential for subjectivity and bias in this
technique, because the observation period relies on the judgment of the
observer. In this situation, a careful and well-trained observer can
usually recognize changes (“events”) in the behavior of the
observational subjects, and use these as beginning and ending points
for an observation period. The result of such studies is a description
of the sequence of behaviors that are expressed in some type of
activity or interaction.
In scan sampling an observer censuses a large number of individuals and
records their behavior at the instant they are observed. Because scan
sampling must be done relatively quickly (otherwise it reverts to focal
animal sampling with short but variable sampling periods), it is
usually restricted to broad categories of behavior such as “foraging,”
“flying,” or “resting.” Scan sampling can be vital for estimates of
time/activity budgets or sex ratios. If the sample size is large
enough, a scan sample gives a representative value of what individuals
in the group or population under study are doing at any given time, and
this can be translated into an estimate of the time an individual
spends on various activities. Essentially, if 100 individuals are
observed , and 70 are resting, 25 are foraging, and 5 are interacting
aggressively, the assumption is that any given individual spends 70% of
its time resting, 25% foraging, and 5% interacting aggressively.
An alternative to scan sampling is instantaneous sampling. In this
technique, a particular individual is observed repeatedly, but the
behavioral state is recorded at specified intervals. The specific
behavioral activity the individual is engaged in at the instant of
observation is recorded (hence the name “instantaneous sampling”). For
instance, one might observe a fox squirrel at 15 second intervals. At
one instant, the squirrel might be searching for food, at another,
feeding, at another, chasing a conspecific. The result of this type of
observation will also be a time/activity budget, which is derived from
the proportion of instantaneous observations in which an individual is
engaged in various activities. Preferably, several individuals of the
same species would be observed, to get average proportions of time
spent on different activities.
One of our goals for this lab is to use scan sampling and instantaneous
sampling to generate a time/activity budget for a local species. We
will compare the outcome of the two sampling techniques to assess their
relative effectiveness. There are a variety of species that might serve
as observational subjects. The most likely are the great egret, the
snowy egret, the great blue heron, the killdeer, and the spotted
sandpiper. Which we concentrate on will depend on which we can find.