Exams in Animal Behavior at Austin College

There will be four written exams. The second and third exams are not cumulative, but I expect you to remember concepts from earlier in the course and to be able to apply them to later material; inability to do so will affect your grade on later exams. The final is partially comprehensive but mostly covers material from the last section of the course. Dates of the exams are listed in the paper syllabus. The exams will be designed to test simultaneously your knowledge of factual information and your understanding of concepts. The exams will consist of short answer essay questions (about a paragraph in length, for instance explanations of vocabulary or descriptions of processes), and of longer essays (two to four paragraphs in length, for instance applications of behavioral and evolutionary theory to a specific ecological situation, or comparisons of explanatory models). In some cases you will read a paragraph or two that describes behavioral and ecological phenomena, and then answer questions about those phenomena. I might present a data set and ask you to interpret it. I also try to give you choices among at least some of the questions, so that you have more flexibility during the exams. 

Grading summary:

Midterm exams (80 points each)  240 points
Final exam 90 points
Independent research project  60 points
Laboratory reports 150 points
Total 540 points

At the end of the course each student will have amassed a proportion of the total points possible. Any adjustments in scores are made at that time; I do not curve individual exams. The proportions will be converted into final letter grades according to the following scheme:

100% - 92.5% = A    87.49% - 82.5% = B 77.49% - 72.5% = C 67.49% - 62.5% = D
92.49% - 90.0% = A-  82.49% - 80.0% = B-  72.49% - 70.0% = C-   62.49% - 60.0% = D-
89.99% - 87.5% = B+ 79.99% - 77.5% = C+ 69.99% - 67.5% = D+  59.99% - 0% = F

Students taking this course S/D/U must make a grade of at least 70% on each graded assignment to make an S in the course. A course average or any individual piece of graded work with a grade less than 70% but 60% or above will result in a course grade of D. A course average or any individual piece of graded work with a grade less than 60% will result in a course grade of U.

The Austin College bulletin describes grade assignments as follows:

A – Unusual and superior achievement
B – Intelligent, articulate achievement, above-average in fulfilling course requirements
C – Passing work, representing graduation average
D – Passing work below the standard required for graduation
F – Failure without privilege of re-examination

Assignment of letter grades in this course will adhere to these standards.