Things to be sure to understand for the final exam (in no particular order)

Levels of biological organization

Selection [natural, sexual (inter/intra), indirect]

For sexual selection: understand the reason for the different processes (e.g. anisogamy, parental investment).

Divergent and convergent evolution; the comparative method and what it is used for

Species, speciation, speciation processes, adaptive radiation, anagenesis, cladogenesis

plesiomorphy, apomorphy, symplesiomorphy, synapomorphy, monophyly, paraphyly, poylphyly

The basics of serial endosymbiosis (how the process works, what the results are, but not what organisms specifically became what organelles)

Lots of terms (ones that describe processes, such as "haplodiploidy" or "altruism", rather than ones that describe details, such as "allopolyploid" or "anthropoid")

Channels of communication

Ecological communities and community interactions (competition, predation, disturbance)

Other major themes in ecology

I will not ask for specific examples of particular processes, but will allow you to choose your example (for instance of speciation processes or hypotheses for how intersexual selection works)

There will be approximately equal point value of multiple choice and essay questions

I will give you choices among at least some of the essays

I will give you a bonus question