My Family

My lovely wife, Jenny


Our kids: Truman, Evelyn, Samuel, John playing with a monkey in Costa Rica



We desire to know God. We are actively involved in a local church body, Legacy Bible Church – come join us. We love having folks over to our home and we enjoy Bible studies, teaching kids and serving however we can.



Our family loves to play and laugh. We spend many hours together, reading books, playing outside, and traveling.  The picture below was from a San Juan del Sur, a popular beach in Nicaragua that we visited during my sabbatical in Costa Rica in 2018.

When I get an opportunity, I love to go hiking in the backcountry. The pictures below were from some recent trips to the John Muir Trail (CA) with some college friends.  The wilderness trains our minds, hearts, and bodies to pursue true and noble things. I love the parallels of the picture of the well-traveled trails and the way our minds think. So often we tread the rutted paths of thought and miss out on the beauty and majesty surrounding us. Walking in new, healthy paths can be transformative.