Note: These exercises have now been updated to accord with the Second Edition of Athenaze by Balme and Lawall (2003).  Also, two Workbooks (I & II) by others and me to supplement the new edition of Athenaze have been published by Oxford University Press (2004).  The Workbook exercises and these somewhat simpler online exercises should provide extensive practice for students of ancient Greek using Athenaze and possibly some other Greek language textbooks.

For most exercises listed I have used the "Symbol" font rather than a font designed to display ancient Greek.  The Greek words therefore will not have the diacritics (accents and breathings) traditionally used for ancient Greek.  I have made one exception where it seems most critical: following the convention used in Beta Code, for the rough breathing I have employed a parenthesis mark "(" immediately after the initial vowel of the syllable which has a rough breathing; e.g., the masc. nom. sing. of the article is written o( ; the same form of the relative pronoun is written o(V;  the word meaning "this" in the same form is written o(utoV. Also, iota-subscripts are necessarily written on the line.  While this presentation of Greek does not conform to the traditional way of displaying ancient Greek, it has the advantage of being readable by both Mac- and Windows -based computers; also, I have found that students can easily adjust to Greek without accents for the purpose of these exercises, so long as they see the accented form in their textbooks as they are learning to pronounce the language.  A final consolation of sorts is that the unaccented forms used here are probably closer to the Greek that the classical writers actually read and wrote than the accented forms inaugurated at Alexandria in the 2nd century B.C.E.

At present these pages seem to work well with Netscape Communicator 4 for Mac and Windows, and with Explorer for Windows.  They do not work at present with the new Netscape 7 for Mac.   Be sure your browser's font preferences are set to give priority to the page-specifed fonts.  Please send your corrections, comments and suggestions to

NB.  For vocabulary drill and parsing exercises, I also recommend the Grammaprogram available from Centaur Systems Ltd. .

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS:  Thanks are due to Half-Baked Software for use of their Hot Potatoesmodules with which most of these exercises were created.  Also to Robert Hart of the University of Illinois, a good friend, for his generous assistance and encouragement in this project, especially in providing instruction in basic javascript and in helping me confront the knotty problems of presenting Greek language exercises on the Web.  Also to Robert Cape, my colleague in Classics at Austin College, for his many good suggestions about web design.  Finally, this project was made possible by a generous grant from the Culpeper Foundation to the Department of Classical and Modern Languages of Austin College; also, completion of the exercises for Book II was done mostly in connection with a TIF Board of Texas grant also made to the Department.