Important Terms for Plutarch's Life of Cicero
The following are the names of important persons and terms you should know. They are highlighted in blue throughout the text. For help with the abbreviated praenomina (first names) click on the abbreviation key


  • Terentia
  • Quintus
  • Tullia
  • Marcus


  • Philo of Larissa
  • Clitomachus
  • Cratippus
  • Apollonius Molon
  • Publius Nigidius

Roman Politicians

  • L. Cornelius Sulla
  • L. Sergius Catilina
  • L. Cornelius Lentulus
  • C. Cethegus
  • C. Julius Caesar
  • M. Porcius Cato
  • Metellus Celer
  • Q. Metellus Nepos
  • Bestia
  • Annius Milo
  • M. Antonius
  • C. Julius Caesar Octavianus

Other Important People

  • Demosthenes
  • Roscius the Comedian
  • Clodia
  • Tiro

Important Terms

  • Bona Dea
  • Vestal Virgins
  • Pater Patriae
  • Philippics

[Introduction] [Text of Life of Cicero] [Self Review]