logo         FYS Fall 2023:  The Crusades


Fall 2023        

Hunt Tooley  htooley@austincollege.edu             Class Schedule        

Office Hours Fall 2023                            Sherman Hall 108, ph. 2292

MWF 12-12:30 in my office. And via Zoom 1:45-2:30
     TTh 4:30-5 in my office
      and by appointment or serendipity

Zoom link for the MWF Zoom office hours:

I will hold regular office hours at the listed times, unless I announce otherwise. Occasionally I will be out of town for a conference, or I will get delayed or something.  But you can drop by during these posted times without an appointment and feel pretty certain of finding me in the office, or in the workroom of Sherman Hall, etc.  You may have to wait for a bit if one of your fellow students is consulting on some matter with me, but normally you can see me before very long.  If you have classes or other commitments at these times, please make an appointment with me, in person or by email, and we will find some time when we are both out of class and available.  Catching me right after class is possible, but I will often be on my way to a faculty meeting or to some other commitment, so I might not have the time that you might need from me.  On the other hand, you can often get a needed signature or piece of information after class.  I am usually setting up for class or preparing for it in the 20 minutes before class starts, so I am rarely able to meet with you at that time.

Remember, with few exceptions, the most effective and quickest way for you to get help from me is to let me know that you need it.  So don't hesitate to come to my office to talk.

     Course Objectives

The purpose of our topic, the Crusades, is to learn some fundamental aspects of history which later shaped the world as it became "modern." We live in an age increasingly given to regarding the past as irrelevant, or worse, nonexistent.  Yet in practical application the terms of this proposition are contradictory:  how does one know the past is irrelevant if one does not first study it?  Arrive at your own position on this question after you discover what is being discussed and what is at issue. We will be studying the major Crusades, their course, and their impact. Understanding something about the religions involved will be important for us. And understanding the motivations of both "great" and "normal" people will be crucial as well. We will look at the technological and economic underpinnings of these great, disruptive acts of history. And we will attempt to analyze the psychology of important actors like Eleanor of Aquitaine, Saladin, Richard the Lionheart, Godefroy of Bouillon, and many more. 

Only one book is required for this course. Please acquire it as early in the semester as possible. You may buy the book at the AC Bookstore or you may use an online version. Several editions of the book are available on a site called Archive.org. The editions are not very different, so any one will do. You will have to join the site (free), and then you can "borrow" it whenever you have assignments from it. I will show you how in class. On the other hand, many folks prefer a physical book, so feel free to buy one. Any edition is fine. The book is:

Thomas F. Madden, A Concise History of the Crusades (or for some editions, The New Concise History of the Crusades)

The rest of the course reading will be sources available to you online. See the class schedule for all of those.  

You will take a reading quizzes throughout the semester.   These reading quizzes are always given at the beginning of class.  If you come in late, you will miss the quiz.  The average of these will count 15% (no makeups, but I will drop the four lowest grades at the end). The two map quizzes will count 5% each. The Final will include a large section that is "comprehensive."

Midterm Exam
Final Exam  
Reading Quiz Average   15%
2 Map Quizzes @ 5%
Paper 1
Paper 2

                                                                                                                        Course Grade                                                  100%

In this course, 93 or higher is an A; 90-92.9 is an A-; 87-89.9 is a B +; 83-86.9 is a B; etc.

    Attendance, Late Assignments, and Academic Integrity

    This course will follow the policies on academic integrity laid out in the Environment and other official college publications.  Please read these guidelines carefully; we will follow them strictly.  All violations will be turned in, with appropriate evidence, to the Vice-President for Academic Affairs.  Academic honesty is absolutely essential.  This means: no cheating. Class attendance is required. After five unexcused absences I will start subtracting from your final grade. Also, absences will likely lead to a lower reading quiz average, since there will be no make-ups for the quizzes except for those missed because of extreme circumstances. As for late assignments, I will penalize late papers at the rate of 3 points per day late. If special circumstances, such as confirmed sickness or a hospital stay, arise, then you should consult with me about a replacement for the quizzes you have missed.

Other Needed Items

Map Study Lists

Blank Map of Europe for the Quiz
Blank Map of the Middle East for the Quiz

Exam and Paper Evaluation Sheet
or  this same sheet in pdf form