Course Objectives
The purpose of Europe and the Modern World is to create an understanding of the broad course of Western history and the working acquaintance with the past which every citizen, certainly every educated person, ought to possess. We live in an age increasingly given to regarding the past as irrelevant, or worse, nonexistent. Yet in practical application the terms of this proposition are contradictory: how does one know the past is irrelevant if one does not first study it? Arrive at your own position on this question after you discover what is being discussed and what is at issue. In any case, be assured that you will encounter constant allusions to the past in the normal discourse of educated people. It is worth noting here that while we will be looking at the "great" events of the Europe's history in the context of the modern world and the great cultural creations of this dynamic civilization, we will also examine how normal people have lived, sometimes quite oblivious to contemporary great events, cultural achievements, and the like.
ISBN: 0674766911 (any edition will do)
Tec. Dry Tears. Paperback. Publisher: Oxford University Press; Reprint edition (November 1984)
ISBN: 0195035003
Dickens. Hard
Times. Paperback. Publisher:
Bantam Classic and Loveswept; Reissue edition (January 1991)
ISBN: 0553210165 (This edition is recommended for this one, but
you can get back with a different edition of the full novel.)
Please acquire these books as early in the semester as possible. You will need them for reading on your own and to bring to class during discussions of them. Much of the course reading will be online.
Midterm Exam |
25% |
Final Exam |
35% |
Reading Quiz Average | 25% |
3 Map Quizzes @
5% |
15% |
Course Grade 100%
In this course, 93 or higher is an A; 90-92.9 is an A-;
87-89.9 is a B +; 83-86.9 is a B; etc.
This course will follow the policies on academic integrity laid out in the Environment and other official college publications. Please read these guidelines carefully; we will follow them strictly. All violations will be turned in, with appropriate evidence, to the Vice-President for Academic Affairs. Academic honesty is absolutely essential. This means: no cheating.
Blank Map of Europe for the Quizzes
and Paper Evaluation Sheet
or this
same sheet in pdf form