Medieval Hymns to the Virgin


Alma redemptoris mater (12th c.)

(performed by Chanticleer)


Loving mother of the redeemer,

who remain the accessible gateway of heaven,

and star of the sea,

give aid to us falling people that strive to rise:

O thou who begot,

while all nature marveled,

thy holy creator,

virgin before and after,

receiving that “Ave” from the mouth of Gabriel,

have mercy on us sinners.


Radix Jesse virga (12th c. France)

(performed by Ensemble Gilles Binchois)


The branch of Jesse has flourished,

for the Virgin Mary has given birth to God for us.

Such was the promise made by God to our forefathers,

and announced with signs.

Let an end be made to the suffering of the old law,

for behold, All the ends of the earth have seen,

Sing forth: they deserved to see the Word of the Lord, the salvation of our God.


Stirps Jesse florigeram  (12th c. France)

(performed by Sequentia)


Let us praise the Lord:


A branch has come forth

from the stock of Jesse.

And in the flower of the Spirit

rests the Paraclete.

The branch bears the fruit

which gives life unto the centuries.

The fruit of a mystic branch

of the stem of David.

The dry branch has blossomed

and put forth a flower.

The branch is the Virgin, Mother of God,

the flower is her Son and her Father.

To this flower, put forth miraculously,

the choirs of saints justly sing:

Praise and jubilation

to the Lord of Heaven,

without end,

the power and the kingdom


Hildegard of Bingen (1098-1179)

O viriditas digiti Dei

(performed by Sequentia)


You greenness of God’s finger,

in which God established

a plantation

that shimmers on high

like a pillar erected,

you are glorious as God’s harbinger!

You height of the mountain

that will never be eroded

in the judgment of God,

and yet you stand far off,

like an exile –

but it is not in the power

of the armoured one to seize you.

You are glorious as God’s harbinger!

Glory be to the Father and Son

and Holy Spirit:

You are glorious as God’s harbinger!


Gautier de Coincy (c. 1177-1236)

Hui matin a l’ajournee

(performed by the New London Consort)


This morning at the break of day, by lucky chance I rode at a gentle pace through a meadow.  I came upon a little flower of lovely hue: to that flower which so delighted me I then turned my mind. Then I made as many as six verses about that flower of paradise: I bid each and every one to love and praise it.


O, o, o, o, o, o, there is no refrain like this, in truth, all on one sound. Let him who who hears me know for sure – he sees amiss, who abandons Mary [the Virgin] for Marot [the shepherdess].


Whoever may sing of Mariette, I sing of Mary.  Each year I owe her the debt of a spring song. She is the flower, the violet, the rose in bloom, which gives out and casts around such a perfume as entirely overcomes us. The mother of the Lord on high has an exalted perfume above evey flower. I bid each and every one to love and praise her.

Let Robin sing of wantons, let the fool sing of foolish women, but thou clerk than singest of them, for sure thou dost turn to folly. Let us cast aside these antique pastourelles, these ancient merrymakings, and let us sing new songs, fine words, fine tunes, of that flower of whom, without respite, the angels sing night and day. I bid each and every one to love and praise her.

Let us cast aside all the foolish custom of love which is folly. He who gapes too much after it pays the price for his idleness. Let us love the fair, the wise, the sweet, the gentle one who is so true of heart that she leads none astray. He who fails to love, honour, and serve her must needs damn himself and lose his soul. I bid each and every one to love and praise her.

Let us all love the fresh rose, the flower in bloom, in whom the Holy Ghost dwells. There is no beloved like her. Him who loves and worships her she does not forget, on the contrary she gives him at the end everlasting life.  He who is smitten with love of her has taken possession of heaven. I bid each and every one to love and praise her.

At the end I beseech the Queen, the Lady of this world, who is the fountain and clear stream that cleanses and purifies all, that she wash my orphaned soul, my foul and filthy soul, so that in the end it may be entirely clean and pure and without spot. And may she deign to lead all of us here below to the sweet country. I bid each and every one to love and praise her.


Toda cousa que aa Virgen  (13th c. Spain)

(performed by Ensemble Alcatraz)


Every promise that is made to the Virgin, it is just and right that it be upheld.


Thus a wonderful miracle was performed by Holy Mary in Chartres on a woman who had promised not to do any work on Saturday because Holy Mary would be angry.

She kept her promise for a long time, but the devil tricked her in so many ways, making her cut and sew with her fine silk so her work would be renowned.

And she did not remember her promise that she would save Saturday, but instead would sew more on that day than others; she was so insolent on the advice of the devil and was thus deceived.

But so that both Jews and Christians might witness the punishment which God through his Mother wrought, her arms and hands were paralyzed, and crippled she fell to the ground and lay there for a long while like stone.

Many cures were tried on her, but without any avail at all; and so then they took her to many churches, hoping that the saints would help her.

And when they saw that all this did not help at all, she asked to be taken to the church at Chartres, and crying before the altar she was so repentant, that she immediately became healthy: this was a witnessed thing.

Throughout all the land, those who had seen her crippled and begging gave thanks to the Virgin, she who always helps the unfortunate, and who because of this is highly esteemed.


Veni mater gracie/Dou way, Robin

(performed by the Dufay Collective)


Stop it, Robin, the child will weep.

Stop it, Robin.


Come, mother of grace, star of splendor,

Visit us today, full of mercy.

Come soon, vein of forgiveness,

to those imprisoned.

Relief for misery, fount of sweetness.

Remember, mother of Christ,

how bitterly you wept;

you stood close to the cross,

sighing with sad heart.

Mary, regal flower, among them all

there is no woman so excellent.

Singled out by your son, forgive the sins

of our flesh.

Oh, how you spoke with humble heart,

when you received the words of the messenger Gabriel:

“Behold the handmaiden of the Lord,”

you quickly said.

After that, you bore the true light of joy.

Rejoice, worthy one, so benevolent,

in the throne of heaven:

restore your offspring, prostrated by vice,

to your Son.


Edi be thu, heven-queene  (14th c. England)

(performed by Sequentia)


Blessed be thou, queen of heaven,

people’s comfort and angel’s bliss, maid

unblemished, mother pure, such as no other

is in the world.  In thee it is very evident that of

all women thou hast the highest place.  My

sweet lady, hear my prayer and show pity on

me if it is thy will.


Thou didst rise up as dawn divides from

the dark night.  From thee sprang a new sunbeam;

it has lit all this world.  There is no maid of thy

complexion – so fair, so beautiful, so ruddy,

so bright; my sweet lady, on me show pity,

and have mercy on thy knight.


Blossom sprung from a single root, the

Holy Ghost rested upon thee; that was for

mankind’s salvation, and to free their souls in

exchange for one.  Gentle lady, soft and sweet,

I beg forgiveness, I am thy man, both hand

and foot, and in every way that I can be.


Thou art soil for good seed, on thee the

heavenly dew alighted; from thee sprang that

blessed fruit – the Holy Ghost sowed it in thee.

Bring us out of the misery and fear that Eve

bitterly brewed for us; thou shalt lead us

into heaven – very sweet to us is that same dew.


Mother full of gracious virtues, maiden

patient and well-instructed, I am in the bonds

of they love and all my attraction is towards

thee.  Shield thou me, yes from the fiend, as

thou art generous and art willing and able,

and help me to my life’s end and reconcile

me with thy son.