Music 21, 22
Ear Training I, II

Spring and Fall Semesters, 2003
Tuesday/Thursday, 9:30-10:50 a.m., Craig Hall 105

Craig Hall, 111
Office Hours:  by appt.

General Information:
These two laboratory courses are designed to equip the music major with fundamental skills in the areas of sight singing and ear training, dictation, and keyboard harmony.  Class sessions will consist of daily drills in each area, reinforced by assignments to be prepared outside of class.

Benward, Ear Training, sixth edition
Berkowitz et. al., A New Approach to Sight Singing, fourth edition
various handouts, supplied in class

The major portion of class time will be spent in drills designed to develop perception skills. Such drills cannot be easily duplicated outside of class and regular class attendance is therefore mandatory for proper mastery of the course material.  Individual meetings may also be scheduled as required.

Semester grades will be based on a series of quizzes comprised of dictation, sight singing, and basic piano exercises.  All quizes will weigh equally in the final semester grade which will be calculated as follows:

                    A+/A/A-     quiz average from 100%-90%
                    B+/B/B-     quiz average from 89%-80%
                    C+/C/C-     (or "S" in S/D/U system) quiz average from 79%-70%
                    D+/D/D-     quiz average from 69%-60%

While the rate at which the class progresses through the course material will vary according to the constituency of the class, a general outline of the material covered in each of the courses is as follows:

Music 21

     Benward            Chapters 1-6
     Berkowitz          Sections 1 and 2 of chapters 1-3
     Keyboard          Memorization of r.h. scale and l.h. chord patterns for major and relative minor keys of
                               C/a, G/e, D/b, B-flat/g, E-flat/c, A-flat/f, at m.m. of quarter note = 72.
                               Harmonization of assigned melodies.

Music 22

     Benward            Chapters 7-12
     Berkowitz          Sections 3 (4) of Chapters 1-3
     Keyboard          Review of previous semester plus scale and chord patterns in the keys of 
                               A, E, B/C-flat, F-sharp/G-flat, C-sharp/D-flat.
                               Harmonization of assigned melodies.

Honor System:
The current Honor System employed by Austin College as given in the posted statements is in full effect for this course.  While students are strongly encouraged to assist each other in the preparation of performance assignments, all written quizes are assumed to be the result of individual work.

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