DUE: Friday, December 10, by 3:00pm in my mailbox in Sherman Hall

LENGTH:     Ten to twelve pages.

Final papers are written individually, by everyone in class.   I encourage you to be thinking about this topic all term.

Part I: As best you can, describe your leadership style. Are you more participative or directive? Task-oriented or process-oriented? What sorts of personality traits do you possess that "fit" more naturally with one style or another? What kind of role/roles have you played in your group this year (initiator, clarifier, opionion-giver, compromiser, gatekeeper, harmonizer, etc.)? Of the different leaders we have studied, who are you most like (if any)?

This section will be evaluated upon its clarity, and upon well you integrate into your analysis elements of differing leadership styles we have analyzed/discussed this term.

Part II: Pick at least TWO of the cases we have studied this year, and explain in detail how they have affected your views about leadership. What sorts of insights have you obtained?  What characters have illustrated to you either exemplary or horrific leadership?  Have you seen your own leadership style in any case?   Iif so, what was your reaction to it?  What specific leadership behaviors do you want to emulate?  Which do you think would be a good fit with your own skills/abilities, and which do you believe you need to develop?

This section will be evaluated on how well you both analyze the cases you choose and identify the relevant leadership styles/skills present in each case. In general, the more detailed your analysis is, the better it will likely be.

Part III: Finally, what would you like to accomplish (in terms of developing your leadership skills) over the next several years? Again, be as specific as you can.