Lost Buildings of Austin College Campus Map
  1. Old Main
  2. Barracks
  3. Eagleton House #1 | #2
  4. Hardy House
  5. Bailey House
  6. Luckett Field
  7. Power House
  8. YMCA
  9. Annex
  10. Dutch Treat
  11. President's House
  1. Lucas Store
  2. Bennett House
  3. College Park Presbyterian Church
  4. Togo House
  5. Cashion Field
  6. Cawthorn Gym
  7. Music Building | aerial shot
  8. Coffin Hall
  9. Lee House
  10. Veteran's Housing #1 | #2

on the use of this site:
Clicking on each link will launch a new page containing a larger image.  Close the "top" browser page to return to the tour. The bright shapes on the map are also clickable.