Materials Available for Studying PA28g

PA28g-deficient mice  I maintain a small breeding colony of PA28g-deficient mice in house.  Theses animals have been backcrossed ten times onto the C57BL/6 strain and we use stock C57BL/6J mice from Jackson labs as control animals.  These mice were generated in Dr. John Monaco's laboratory at the University of Cincinnati, and were described in the Journal of Immunology in 2004.  I maintain the domestic source for these animals.  Our mice are under maintained in static micro-isolator cages, opened under a clean bench, and our undergraduate caretaker staff are trained annually in compliance with IACUC policy.  Infectious agent surveillance can be performed through IDEXX RADIL laboratories, upon request, at the expense of the requesting investigator.

Murine Embryonic Fibroblasts  My laboratory has isolated MEF cells from PA28g-deficient mice and appropriate age-matched C57BL/6 control mice.  These primary MEF cultures are then maintained through crisis or spontaneous immortalization.  Both primary (non-immortalized) and immortalized MEF lines are frozen and stored under liquid nitrogen vapor.  Most times of the year, cells will be continuously cultured by undergraduates in the laboratory and may be provided in flasks or via frozen vials.

If you need organs, primary cell lines, or any other component from the PA28g-deficient mice for your research, please contact me about the details and I would be happy to provide these materials as well.






