Black Hole

Confinement to the Black Hole ... to be reserved for cases of Drunkenness, Riot, Violence, or Insolence to Super ( British Army regulation 1844)

Definition Black Hole:
An object (created by the implosion of a star) down which things can fall but out of which nothing can ever escape
(Black Holes and Time Warps, Einstein's Outrageous Legacy, Kip S. Thorne, Norton & Company, 1994)




  This is  graph of black hole and its functioning.

         Singularity:   A region of spacetime where spacetime curvature becomes so strong that the general relativistic laws break down and the laws of quantum gravity take over.

(Black Holes and Time Warps, Einstein's Outrageous Legacy, Kip S. Thorne, Norton & Company, 1994)

        Horizon:  The surface of a black hole where space in effect falls inward at the speed of light.( also known as the event horizon) Events inside the horizon are unobservable and can never communicate with the observers outside because light signals cannot travel faster than the speed of light

(Cosmology, The Science of the Universe, 2nd Edition, Edward Harrison, Cambridge Press, 2000)


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