ac       T. Hunt Tooley                           kurdish lions
Sherman Hall 108, ext. 2292                                                     
                             Quotation of the Week  

What's past is prologue.

        William Shakespeare, The Tempest (from the character Antonio, who says this as a justification for a planned murder!)

                                                                            Quotation of the Week archive

Hunt Tooley is the A.M. Pate, Jr., Professor of History and Chair of the History Department at Austin College in Sherman, Texas. He specializes in Modern European History and is the author of The Great War: Western Front and Home Front (2016) and National Identity and Weimar Germany (1997), and the historical novel, Anima and the Goat (2016). He is especially interested in historical issues related to war, revolution, mass violence, and peacemaking in the modern world.

Office Hours Spring 2025
Office:  MWF 12-12:30 in my office
Th 11-12 in my office

via Zoom only 1:45-2:30 and by appointment or serendipity    

Zoom link for the MWF afternoon zoom times only:

Courses/Teaching Blogging about history, memory, power, and violence: 
The World At War and the World That was...

Brief Curriculum Vitae
Older Blog--Design of a Violent Century:
Blogging the Paris Peace Conference

Ninety Years Later



Email me at

Academic Humor from the pen of Austin Tooley