Hunt Tooley's Teaching Page

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Hunt Tooley teaches courses in Modern European history, the twentieth-century world, and Middle Eastern history.  He is a specialist in Central European history since 1800 and has taught widely on the recent history of war, revolution, and peacemaking.


Hist143--Europe and the Modern World

Hist250--The Era of the French Revolution
 and Napoleon

Hist343--Russia and the Soviet Union

  Regular Courses at Austin College

Hist 143  Europe and the Modern World
Hist 103  The Middle East Since Muhammad
Hist 250  Ethnic Cleansing in the Modern World
Hist 334  Europe:  Identity, Industry, Empire
Hist 335  Europe Since 1939
Hist 343  History of Russia
Hist 341  Germany Since Bismarck
Hist 450  Military History Since the Renaissance

Courses Offered from Time to Time
The French Revolution
The Balkans in International Affairs Since 1800
World War I, World War II
The Irish Sea
Recent US Diplomatic History
Storms Before the Storm: Revolutions Across the World, 1900-1916

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