page provides links to articles about specific aspects of
Roman history and coinage. It is intended as a supplement to
the Roman History Resources page,
which provides links to sites with lots of diverse
information. The articles linked here are the property of
their authors and credit should be given to them when the
articles are cited. The VCRC takes no responsibility for
the accuracy or nature of the information in these articles.

- Encyclopedias:
- De Imperatoribus Romanis: An Online
Encyclopedia of Roman Emperors
- An authoritative encyclopedia of emperors from
Augustus to the death of the Byzantine Emperor
Constantine XI Palaeologus. Managed by Michael DiMaio,
Jr., Salve Regina University.
- Nota Bene: All emperors on the Virtual Catalog
of Roman Coins are linked to the appropriate page of De
Imperatoribus Romanis.
- Articles on Important People,
Moneyers, Empresses and Emperors:
- Leges sine moribus, by Susan
Treggiari, from
The Ancient History Bulletin 8.3
(1994) 86-98.
- The Death of Titus: A
Reconsideration, by Charles Leslie Murison, from
The Ancient History Bulletin 9.3-4
(1995) 135-142.
- 'Diva Faustina', The Empress of
Antoninus Pius, by R. A. Slater
- The Disruption of the Empire, by
Arthur E. Noot.
- Subtitled: "A general focus on the reign of Gordianus
Pius" (Gordian III)
- Carausius Carved an Empire from Within
an Empire, by Arthur E. Noot.
- The Reign of Aurelian in Eunapius'
Histories, by D. F. Buck, from
The Ancient History Bulletin 9.2
(1995), 86-92.
- Flavius Claudius Julianus, by Arthur
E. Noot.
- The emperor Julian II ("The Apostate")
- Articles on Coins:
- Eight Hundred Years of Roman Coinage, by David R. Sear.
- Cast Ancient Coins, by Doug Smith.
- Fourrees - Plated Coins, Part I, by
Doug Smith.
- Fourrees - Plated Coins, Part II, by
Doug Smith.
- Brockages, by Doug Smith.
- Abbreviations on Roman Imperial Coins, by Doug Smith.
- The Julio-Claudian Emperors:
- Tiberius, Tribute Penny, by Doug
- The Aes Quadrans of Caligula, by
Michael R. Curry.
- Nero - Temple of Janus, by Doug
- The Flavian Emperors:
- Denarius of Domitian, by Doug Smith.
- Post-Flavian Emperors:
- Hadrian, by Doug Smith.
- The Antonine Emperors:
- Antoninus Pius Caesar: The politics
of succession on coins, by Doug Smith.
- A Two Headed Denarius of Antoninus Pius
and Marcus Aurelius, by Doug Smith.
- Commodus , by Doug Smith.
- A Denarius of Pescennius Niger, by
Doug Smith.
- Septimius Severus & Julia Domna
- Legionary Denarii of Septimius
Severus, by Doug Smith.
- Septimius Severus 'Emesa' Mint
Denarii, by Doug Smith.
- Barbaric Denarii of Septimius
Severus, by Doug Smith.
- Legion III Coins of Septimius
Severus, by Doug Smith.
- Septimius, Julia & Venus, by
Doug Smith.
- Septimius Severus & Julia Domna An
Overview of coins, by Doug Smith
- Caracalla or Elagabalus?, by Doug
Smith (with a quick quiz)
- Severus Alexander AE 21 Bronzes of Nicaea, Bithynia,
by Doug Smith.
- Gordian III - Boy King, by Doug
- Philip the Arab & Family, by
Doug Smith.
- Philip II Bronzes of Marcianopolis, by Doug Smith.
- Trajan Decius: Double Your Money, by
Doug Smith. (overstriking coins)
- A Sestertius of Trebonianus Gallus,
by Doug Smith. (holes in coins)
- Revolt of Aureolus: Coins of a ruler
with no coins, by Doug Smith.
- Florian: Politics, Succession and
Death, by Doug Smith.
- Silvered Antoniniani of Probus, by
Doug Smith.
- Medusa on Probus' Shield, by Doug
- The many faces of Probus, by Charley
- A Silvered Antoninianus of Numerian,
by Doug Smith.
- XXI and Other Letters, by Doug
Smith. (mintmarks on late 3rd century coins)
- 'Coded' Antoniniani, by Doug Smith.
- MAX: Separating Coins of Maximianus, Galerius, Maximinus & Maxentius, by Doug Smith.
- Constantine: The Road to Greatness,
by Doug Smith.
- Crispus & Fausta, by Doug Smith.
- Stirrups(?) on a coin of Constantius II
(c.350 AD), by Doug Smith.
- Delmatius Caesar, by Doug Smith.
- By This Sign, You Shall Be
Victorious, by Doug Smith. (Christian sign, Chi-Rho,
on coins of the 4th century)
- An AE 2 of Magnentius: A Chi-Rho
coin of the pagan ruler, by Doug Smith.
- Theodosius I AE4, by Doug Smith.
- AE2 of Arcadius: Inverted Overstrike
and the Hand of God, by Doug Smith.
- Greek Imperial Bronze Coinage, by Doug Smith.
- Articles on Roman
- Caesar's Campaigns in Gaul, from
Review, Vol.1, No.4.
- The Landings of Caesar in Britain, 55
and 54 BC, from
Review, Vol.1, No.1.
- The Deification of Roman Women, by
Marleen B. Flory, from
The Ancient History Bulletin 9.3-4
(1995) 127-134.
- Rethinking The Roman Arena: Gladiators,
Sorrows, and Games Review Article, by Donald G. Kyle,
The Ancient History Bulletin 11.2-3
(1997) 94-87.
- The Arms and Organization of the Roman
Legions, by Arthur E. Noot.
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