The number of World Wide Web sites for ancient history enormous. They range from information pages put up on free sites by ancient history afficianados to enormous projects compiled by professional classicists and historians. The following list of links represents only sampling of some of the excellent sites that exist. These sites provide extensive information in their speciality. For a list of articles on specific topics relating to Roman history and Roman coinage, please see the Articles page.

- Collections of Resources in Classics:
- Lacus Curtius: into the Roman World
- An outstanding megasite of links to all manner of sites dealing with the ancient world, particularly Rome. Developed and maintained by William P. Thayer.
- Electronic Resources for Classicists: The Second Generation
- One of the best collections of links to Classics materials on the Internet. By Maria C. Pantelia, University of California, Irvine
- Diotima: Materials for the Study of Women and Gender in the Ancient World
- An excellent collection of quality information about women and gender issues in antiquity. Developed by Ross Scaife and Suzanne Bonefas.
- Collections of Resources for Roman History:
- De Imperatoribus Romanis: An Online Encyclopedia of Roman Emperors
- An authoritative encyclopedia of emperors from Augustus to the death of the Byzantine Emperor Constantine XI Palaeologus. Managed by Michael DiMaio, Jr., Salve Regina University.
- Nota Bene: All emperors on the Virtual Catalog of Roman Coins are linked to the appropriate page of De Imperatoribus Romanis.
- ROMEARCH: Roman Art and Archaeology
- The definitive Web resource for information about Roman archaeological sites. Maintained by Pedar W. Foss, University of Michigan.
- Classics and Mediterranean Archaeology
- Comprehensive list of links to Greek, Roman, and other Mediterranean archaeological resources. Maintained by Sebastian Heath, University of Michigan.
- The Interactive Ancient Mediterranean
- An on-line atlas of the ancient Mediterranean world. Excellent resource. By the Departments of Classics and History at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.
- Pompeii Forum Project
- An interdisciplinary collaborative research venture to publish images and information about the Forum in Pompeii. Project Director, John J. Dobbins.
- The Roman Forum: An Ancient Marketplace
- A delightful site devoted to the Forum Romanum. Created by Jan Bonenkamp, Marloes Mentink & Mathijs Horsthuis, three students of De Grundel High School in Hengelo, the Netherlands.
- Classical Atlas Project
- Because no one can begin to understand ancient history if they do not know where the places are. This project is producing the first comprehensive atlas of the classical world since 1874, and uses some of the most sophisticated technology available to mapmakers today. Project directed by Richard Talbert, W. R. Kenan, Jr., Professor of History and Adjunct Professor of Classics, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.
To find high-quality information about the ancient world, use the ARGOS search engine:
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Use * for substring searches. August* will return entries for Augustus, Augustan, Augustine, etc. |
For general information about people, places, or events in Roman history, use this form to search the Microsoft Encarta Encyclopedia: