This site and its contents have been compiled for educational use. Permission is granted to educators and the general public to use these pages for non-profit purposes to learn and teach others about the Roman world.
The VCRC does not own the copyright on the images cataloged on this site. They have been provided by individuals who are named where their images appear in the catalog. Images which do not appear with credits--such as those used in educational projects and as ornaments on the information pages--are still the property of the individuals who supplied them. All images so used are cataloged along with their credits on the appropriate page of the VCRC. Persons wishing to use these images should contact the owners, who are listed on the Thanks & Credits page.
Coin descriptions are edited from what is supplied with the images. These descriptions are believed to be accurate and are checked--the the limited degree possible--for completeness. Nevertheless, in no way is the VCRC responsible for mistakes in the descriptions, misattribution, or for loss or damage due to mistaken identifications.
Permission is granted for all non-profit, non-fee Web access to the site. Copies of materials contained herein must not be repackaged in any way without the prior, written agreement of the VCRC Project Director and the owners of the coin images. Owners of images may, of course, use their images in other ways as they wish, and participation in the VCRC in no way limits their rights to re-use their own material.
Persons wishing to provide links to individual pages in the VCRC are encouraged to contact the Project Director for information about how to set up the pages.
We request that users of the VCRC treat it like other print and electronic classics resources and cite it when it has provided useful information. We would welcome notice of links to the site and of creative uses people are making of it.
For further information
about this project, permissions, notices, etc., please contact the VCRC Project Director via e-mail (rcape@austincollege.edu) or at the following address:
Robert W. Cape, Jr.
Associate Professor of Classics
Classical and Modern Languages, #61653
Austin College
900 N. Grand Avenue
Sherman, TX 75090-4400