
This page provides links to Web sites with information that may be useful to teachers of ancient history and Latin. There are only a few links here right now. I hope to add more soon. If you know of a good site devoted to teaching about ancient Greece and Roma, please send me the reference and I will be happy to include it on this page.
- Important Education Web Sites for Classics and Ancient History
- The VROMA Project, directed and coordinated by Suzanne Bonefas, Associated Colleges of the South.
- One of the most innovative teaching projects on the Internet--and it is about Rome!
- The Perseus Project, directed by Gregory Crane, Tufts University.
- One of the premier electronic resources available in the field of Classics. It focuses on Greek civilization but includes much material about the Roman world.
- A Roman Perseus is being developed. We look forward to being able to use this resource.
- Interesting Items elsewhere on the Web:
- The Van Alstyne Latin Club Homepage
- A fun site and nice example of what some of the best Latin clubs are doing on the Web. Put together by the dynamic Latin teacher Larry Martin.
- Slide show of the 12 Caesars, by Calgary Coin & Antique Gallery.